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The Role of Vehicular Connectivity in ADAS and ADS

Facilitated by: Maxime Flament, CTO 5GAA

Key Participants: Onn Haran, Autotalks and Andreas Schaller, Bosch


The objective of this workshop held at EcoMotion Assembly 2024 was to bring diverse stakeholders together to discuss and understand the added value of vehicular connectivity, see how this can be used for safer and smarter use cases and to consider the challenges of making advanced progress in this domain.

Vehicular connectivity, commonly refered as V2X, is becoming a must-have for different purposes. It is for comfort, infotainment, monitoring, theft prevention, telematics, and most significantly for road safety and traffic efficiency. With V2X, vehicles can exchange data directly to other cars and roadside infrastructure such as intersections and can connect indirectly via 4G/5G Mobile networks to edge/cloud services.

As we advace technologies for ADAS & ADS, most V2X-enabled connected vehicles can contribute to improve ADAS/ADS perception especially when danger is not in the line of sight

However, V2X is still not common practice to implement.

To advance V2X technologies, there are various key stakeholders whose engagement and coordination is essential. Vehicle manufactures need to equip radios and accept to exchange data. Tier1s need to provide solutions addressing the required trust into V2X data so it can be integrated into ADAS/ADS perception platforms across vehicle brands. Mobile Network Operators need to guarantee quality of service on road networks, and allow cross-network operators data exchange for mobility services esp for safety purposes. Service providers need to use standardised message types so this can be exchanged openly. And even pedestrians need to connect to the network data collection or sharing.

There are various barriers to increased adoption and development. V2X data is often considered as a “warning”only technology but has multiple use cases. Coordination and trust across vehicle brands must be establised. Other barriers include increased automation of alerts, trusting data accuracy and information sharing from the infrastrucuture and between two vehicles, the cyber security of the sharing and the coordination between different service providers and the vehicle brand.

To make progress, a few actions should be taken: 1) system designers of ADAS must be educated to include V2X data into their sensing platform. 2) An industry consensus should be achieved on mutual trust in V2X and 3) Regulation must be set which follow standard discussions at ISO TC22 and ETSI TC ITS level


Key takeaway from the discussion is around trust. A lot of research has been done on exchange data via direct or netwwork communictaiton but it often ignores the challenge of trust between unrelated vehicles and infrastructure. It is still not completely understood how trust should be established so that data received from many sources can contribute to the ADAS or ADS of the ego-vehicle. There is a lot to gain by correlate received data with other sources to establish trust in real-time. Distributed trust could help to address this problem in a scalable way.

The 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) is a global, cross-industry organisation of companies from the automotive, technology, and telecommunications industries (ICT), working together to develop end-to-end solutions for future mobility and transportation services. 5GAA

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